Friday, July 29, 2011

Cemetery Restoration Committee of Patchogue Newsletter 2011

Friends of the CRC
The Cemetery Restoration Committee (CRC) of Patchogue kicks off its fifth Annual Membership Drive beginning January 1, 2011.

The CRC is a group of independent volunteers that was formed in May 2006 to restore five historic and sacred cemeteries located on the corner of West Main Street and Waverly Avenue in the Village of Patchogue. This restoration project is undertaken in conjunction with the Incorporated Village of Patchogue and their Board of Trustees and the Greater Patchogue Foundation, Inc. Membership is open to all descendants of those buried in the Lake View, Rice, Union, Gerard, and Old Episcopal Cemeteries and others wishing to help restore and maintain these historic and sacred grounds.

In the hope that you are interested in supporting our efforts, a "Friends of the CRC" membership application is included for your review and completion. If you are a lifetime member, please feel free to pass on the application to family and friends who might be interested. Thank you so much for your support.

Please mail the completed membership application and check to:
Cemetery Restoration Committee
c/o Incorporated Village of Patchogue
PO Box 719
Patchogue, NY 11772

Lake View Cemetery Entrance Reconstruction Project Completed

Phase 1 of the CRC Gate Reconstruction Project was completed in December 2008 with the installation of the gate pillars, gates, and decorative archway.

Phase 2 was completed in May 2010 with the installation of a new cobblestone driveway apron, new curved fencing connecting the new gate pillars to the front fence, and new landscaping surrounding the entranceway.

The CRC would like to especially thank NY State Senator Brian Foley for securing funding to complete the final phase of this project.

Clean ups and Headstone Repair
As we complete our fifth year of restoration work, weekly clean ups and repairs continue. During 2010 the CRC held over 30 clean ups which included our regular stalwarts, students and their parents from Bay Avenue Elementary School, and St. Francis De Sales Youth Group.

As the skills of our volunteers continue to improve, more and more headstones are being repaired. Last year the CRC repaired over 30 headstones.

Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email Steve Gill at

Those wanting to help the program but are unable to contribute the time, may make a donation to the restoration and beautification fund. Please make checks payable to the Incorporated Village of Patchogue and mail to the address noted on the bottom of the left hand column.

Eagle Scout Project
In December 2010 Patchogue resident and life scout Grant Houghtalen, held fundraisers in order to install a circular paver pad around the Lake View Cemetery flag pole, and in front of the Smith Memorial Statue. Grant also plans on installing concrete benches in front of the Smith Memorial to complement its beauty. This project was initiated to earn Grant his Eagle Badge. Many thanks to Grant, his parents, and all those supporting this effort.

New Paver Sidewalks Installed Leading to Smith Memorials

CRC Restores Sailors Graves

In 2009 NY State Senator Brian Foley secured a grant for the CRC which allowed us to restore the graves of the sailors from the Louis V. Place and Nahum Chapin. These historic shipwrecks of 1895 and 1897 represent an important piece of LI Maritime History. Most of the restoration work was completed in November 2010. Phase 2 will be completed this Spring with the installation of two granite memorials.

Special Thanks
The CRC would like to thank the Patchogue Fire Department for allowing us to host a Chinese Auction at their facility for the last 2 years and William J. O'Neill Sales Exchange Co., Inc. for allowing us to use their storefront to hold our poinsettia sale.

Also, the CRC would like to thank Patchogue residents Paula Murphy and Karen Ferb for donating 9 ornamental trees that beautified the Lake View Cemetery.

Adopt-A-Plot Program
The CRC initiated an innovative concept in cemetery restoration, beautification, and preservation. The CRC Adopt-A-Plot program offers individuals, groups, organizations and companies the opportunity to play a vital role in preserving a historic Patchogue landmark. The concept is simple. It involves people getting involved to revitalize a community resource, restore its past dignity and beauty, and preserve it for future generations.

By adopting a Patchogue pioneer family's plot and caring for it, you become an integral part of the CRC's restoration and preservation program.

You can play an important role in beautifying and preserving Patchogue history. Please visit our website for more information.

Plot adopted by the Gill and Hanlon Families. Angel donated by Diane Hill